American College of Osteopathic Surgeons – Anual Ceremonial Conclave

September 27, 2024

Orlando Florida:

The tradition, ceremony, and regalia used in awarding in the title “Fellow in the American College of Osteopathic Surgeons” (FACOS) have their origin in the 11th and 12th centuries at European universities, where gowns distinguished academic doctors, masters, and bachelor’s from other segments of the population. Robes worn today have few modifications in design and still remain the sign of high office.



The academic gown symbolizes the democracy of scholarship. It is usually back. The scarlet red used on the facing denotes God or “Great Physician” and blood, the lifegiving fluid.


The gold represents sunlight and distinguishes the surgeon as a student of the “Great Physician,” always seeking light and knowledge in the care of the sick, afflicted, and infirm. The gold and black lining also represents the colors of the American College of Osteopathic Surgeons, the body conferring the award.


When Roman law freed the slave, he was granted the privilege of wearing a cap. The academic cap is a sign of freedom and responsibility of scholarship. The gold tassel signifies the doctorate degree.

American College of Osteopathic Surgeons

Messner Gregory D.O.,  Articles