Although millions of Americans suffer from venous disease, only a small percentage of them seek help.

Most individuals can find relief and slow progression of symptoms through basic self-care measures.

According to the Society for Vascular Medicine, venous disease is a condition that plagues over 30 million Americans. Surprisingly, just 10% of these afflicted individuals seek treatment for the ailment.

Venous disease symptoms are wide-ranging. They can range from mild swelling and leg discomfort to unsightly varicose veins. In severe cases, the skin can suffer damage such as discoloration or non-healing sores.  Despite affecting around 30% of the population, many patients remain undiagnosed due to this lack of knowledge.

To diagnose venous insufficiency, a physician will begin with a clinical examination that includes reviewing a patient’s medical records. Additionally, multiple diagnostic tests, such as ultrasounds, may be ordered to evaluate blood flow from the limbs back to the heart.

*For informational purposes only. Like with any medical procedure, results will vary based on several factors. Please consult with your physician before undergoing a procedure.

MEET THE DOCTOR Dr. Gregory Messner

For all vascular medical and aesthetic solutions, Messner Vascular Institute stands out as the foremost facility in the Texas State.

At Dr. Gregory Messner’s clinic, cutting-edge technology is leveraged to deliver results that stand the test of time. Their team is dedicated to offering patients the most exceptional level of care possible, all within a welcoming and comfortable medical setting.  

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