D.O Gregory Messner – ECUADOR VASCULAR 2023


In our constant pursuit of improving the quality of care we provide to our patients and staying at the forefront of the latest medical innovations, Dr. Gregory Messner participated in the 3rd Ecuador Vascular Congress 2023, which took place from July 19th to 22nd, 2023, at the Sheraton Guayaquil Hotel, Ecuador.

As a medical institution committed to excellence and advancement in the field of vascular health, our presence at this event proved to be an educational and inspiring journey that enriched our knowledge and strengthened our dedication to quality medical care.

One of the most valuable aspects of the congress was the opportunity to establish connections with other physicians and organizations in the field of vascular health.

There, they had the chance to exchange ideas and experiences with colleagues from various parts of the world, broadening our professional horizons and providing us with a global perspective on best medical practices.

Innovation and Continuous Education

The core of the congress was undoubtedly the series of keynote presentations and educational sessions. Dr. Gregory Messner shared his expertise on PAD, from advancements in endovascular surgery to revolutionary approaches in managing complex vascular diseases.

Our experience at the Ecuador Vascular Congress 2023 was truly enriching and empowering for our medical institution. This event not only provided us with up-to-date knowledge and valuable contacts in the field of vascular health but also reaffirmed our commitment to delivering the best possible care to our patients.

Messner Gregory D.O.,  Articles